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We're looking for feedback at The Get Paid Project

The success of The Get Paid Project depends on your input. Use any or all of our different forums to write reviews about programs that have made you money out the wazoo or left you in the dirt. 
We can't stress enough that the best way to become a part of The Project is to join our club. Sign up and gain automatic entry. Discuss and promote anything you want. The more open you are, the better for other members. Be advised, however, that The Project is on the prowl for scams, pyramid schemes, and other worthless ventures. If your post sounds like mindless hype drivel, you are probably going to hear from other club members and be asked to explain why your program is worthwhile. That said, the club is becoming an otherwise friendly place where you can sip a cup of coffee and interact with other webpreneurs. We are currently in the process of developing an information bank about MLM programs and internet home businesses from the input we've received here. Come have a look at our files, whydoncha?

It's easy to post a review on our board. Search for the title of the program that you want to promote or warn others to steer clear. If no one else has posted about it, find the appropriate category (or categories) to post your review. Using the name of the program as the title for your message, write feedback that will assist visitors of The Project to decide which program is right for them.
You can post your feedback on our message board without being a registered member of The Project, but we strongly encourage password registration to prevent someone else from posting with your ID.
Replies to posts are encouraged. That way everyone can gain more information. You can include up to three links in any post (links to personal web sites are permitted), our way of saying thanks for leaving your review. Who knows? It could lead to others joining your downline or buying your product. We are constantly promoting The Get Paid Project with our own brand of online network marketing.
Please keep in mind that the message board is not a FFA or a Classified Ads page. You can access those places elsewhere from our site. Our message board is meant to gather meaningful information from people who don't have the time and/or the inclination to join our club. So please don't spoil the board by abusing its features. Our goal is create a reliable online informational resource tool for the "get paid" and internet home business community that is and always will be FREE.

Post Your Feedback On Our Message Board Here

Don't have time to check out the message board or become a member of the club? How about just signing our guest book? You can still leave a link to your favorite program or internet business (subject to the same restrictions of our message board). Help us out by including some honest feedback about your program or business. The more reliable information we get, the closer we'll get to reaching our goal.

The GuestBook is now open to visitors

Or maybe you just don't like what The Get Paid Project has to offer. That's alright, we're not offended in the least. Maybe you would like to try something slightly off the beaten path. Chat with others and make money online. Bon voyage!

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