
Make Money Online
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Make Money Online

Don't be afraid to take the plunge

This page has been updated. In the past, The Project worked like an experiment. We tried different programs ourselves, got feedback about programs from others, and tried our best to lump it all together not only to make money for ourselves, but also to help others make money online. Some of the best information we got about money making programs was from people who joined our club. And we still think the club is the best place to interact and find out new ways to make a comfortable income from home. Once you join our club, you can discuss your best money making programs with others who are interested in knowing why these programs are working for you. Our goal is to promote programs which actually make money and expose programs that do not.  If your program is a gem or a bust, tell us why. Your information will then be stored in our files and become accessible to other visitors. Information at The Project is and always will be free. Come on. Hang out. It'll be fun.

Join The Get Paid Project Club

If you have a money making program that you would like to promote, but you do not want to become a member of our club, you can still post your information in our FEEDBACK FORUM. There you will find our easy to use bulletin board and guestbook. It's quick and painless and free of human entanglement, but your post will also be of less benefit to The Project. Sad but true, we do not scrutinize these posts as we do in the club. So we cannot vouch for their truthfulness or worthiness. Still, something is better than nothing. Please feel free to


1) Open a free e-mail account here. Use the account for all of your get-paid-to-read e-mail, opt-in mail lists, and more.

2) Join at least one of the programs listed below and do what it says to do to get paid. Use your e-mail address to sign up. That way you won't be filling up your regular inbox with e-mail from your get paid programs. You don't have to register with your real address to get paid unless you want them to send you your commission checks via snail mail. Most payments can be done electronically through PayPal and e-Gold. The programs listed below will give you links to these electronic payment centers when you register your preferred method of payment. Be careful with social security numbers and information that belongs only on secure pages. Unscrupulous people have been known to hack into well-meaning web sites and harvest this information for their own nefarious purposes.

3) We used to list a whole bunch of get paid programs below but we deleted them and narrowed them down to four programs. We did this because it was just too difficult keeping track of all of the hundreds of programs out there that say they will pay you to click, read, shop, chat, etc. Plus our inbox was filling up too quickly with e-mail from these get paid programs and the wind up was that alot of our programs didn't pay us at all (and actually ended up terminating our accounts) because our e-mail account kept bouncing their messages. So now we have a much simplier formula. We use two get paid to read e-mail programs that are reputable and which will actually pay you. We are currently testing out a third and will update this page once we determine whether it is worth promoting or not. We also use two other programs that are free to join and which can make you money. One is commissions on the sale of software and the other is an advertising company that markets itself through traffic exchanges and search engines. If you sign up for the two "read email" programs, check your free e-mail account periodically (at least every three days) and read the e-mails. This sounds easy enough, but if you don't follow through, you can't expect to make any money. The program that pays you commissions for selling software is just that. And all that is required for the fourth program is that you join traffic exchanges and promote your site.

4) We used to ask people who signed up for our programs to report back here with their feedback and tell others whether they made money with our programs or not. We are still asking for that kind of feedback and we encourage you to post with your information, join our club, or fill out a feedback form. But today we are not pushing so hard. The reason is because we know that the programs listed below will make money for you. We've been at this for awhile now and we've been through the wringer with this stuff. We know which programs pay, don't pay, aren't worth it, and are too difficult to use. The four programs we use are simple and they will pay you. It's really a no-brainer. We are also including links to our two favorite traffic building programs which we recommend that you sign up for. The programs are free and you can use them to promote your own links to your favorite get paid programs. Believe us when we say that we want to see you succeed and make gobs of money online. Why? Because your success is our success.

Our two free get paid to read e-mail programs:

Get Paid Program # One

Get Paid Program # Two

Make great commissions selling software

Get Paid Program # Three

Make Search Exchanges Pay You:

Get Paid Program #Four

Use these two free traffic building programs to increase earnings from your get paid programs:

Traffic Builder # One

Traffic Builder # Two

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