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Hi- Cindy asked me to fill in for her, so that's why you see my picture and not hers

Hi. I'm Cheryl, your new host for this web site. My friend, Cindy Snyder, who originally created these pages has now moved on to bigger and better things. So, I guess I've been left holding the bag as far as updates and contact stuff is concerned. Please bear with me if links are out of date or no longer relevant. I have a 9-5 job that keeps me sort of busy. I pledge to come back and update as often as possible. Also, if you have something important to tell me, please feel free to contact me any time through the PROJECT's club link which appears pretty much throughout this site.
It's hard to believe that THE GET PAID PROJECT has been around for a year now and has slowly but surely gained some ground. Our Yahoo! Club now has about 21 members (at least the last time I looked) which allows PROJECT participants to learn about new MLM programs and new ways to build online referrals. I've also posted some new links on the site which I hope will bring us more traffic and fresh information.
What is THE GET PAID PROJECT all about, you may ask? Here's the skinny. About a year ago, Cindy decided to leave a profession that she wasn't very happy with and launch a business on the internet. In the course of researching different sites and types of internet businesses, she kept stumbling upon multi-level marketing programs. They all promised the same thing: easy cash for little effort. 

Cindy was a skeptic by nature, so she decided to sign up as a free member and monitor some programs. Then it semed like everyone and their brother wanted her to sign up for their programs. So she joined another, then another. Before she knew it, she had signed up for all the programs you see on this site. That's when an idea took root.

Why not create a community of internet networkers and share tips? Better yet, why not encourage people to help one another so that everyone gets paid?

Voila! THE GET PAID PROJECT was born. She brought me into the PROJECT in May, 2001. We networked like crazy to get this site and our club off the ground, and like I said, it's been encouraging. The site has gotten over 3,000 hits since we started it. And those are genuine hits, not inflated numbers posted for your entertainment.
There really aren't enough hours in the day to accomplish what we set out to do when we started the PROJECT. Initially, we both read alot of e-mails, took surveys, and did whatever we could fit in to earn cash for our time. We saw those programs as harmless diversions. Everyone needs a break now and then, so why not try to get paid for it?
The problem was everyone in our upline kept telling us how much money we would make if we just kept doing all this stuff and sponsoring more and more people. And we kept doing it, but honestly, we saw very little return (less than $100 for the two of us combined over the course of a year). I don't know, maybe we haven't been aggressive enough about this stuff, but personally, I am beginning to wonder if these e-mail and take survey programs are really worth the time.
I myself have had some modest success in places where they will build your downline for you, but nothing to write home about. It seems like the bottom line is that you have to sell a product or information that people really want and need if you are going to be successful in MLM. That's the conclusion I have reached so far with the aid of this little experiment. 

Hey. Feel free to use the PROJECT as a tool to get referrals, promote your own programs/home business, and gain meaningful feedback. We especially want to hear from those of you who "have been there, done that." We also want to use the PROJECT to wipe out scams, online fraud, and programs that take advantage of people. So you see, your feedback is crucial to our success.

We really want you to become a member of THE GET PAID PROJECT community. Each member's feedback is valuable. The way we look at it, there is strength in numbers. Join us, and together we'll create one of the more formidable places on the internet.

Membership in THE GET PAID PROJECT is and always will be free. In the future, we hope to add some additional features and diversions to enhance your experience at our site.

Snail Mail:

Join the GPP- Give valuable feedback to others

Ms. C. Snyder
P.O. Box 32085
Pikesville, MD

Send An E-Mail:

Cheryl's in-box

I'll try my best to answer your questions about the GPP or any of the other programs.

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